A Step-By-Step Process For Learning The Most Common Fingerpicking Patterns...
So you can impress family and friends playing songs like Blackbird, Dust in the Wind, Landslide and more!

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Does This Sound Familiar?
Every time you hear a beautiful fingerpicked song, you wish you could play it but don't know where to start.
You try to learn songs online but reading the music on websites like Ultimate Guitar make you go so cross-eyed that you give up before you even start.
You secretly wish that there were some simple, yet common fingerpicking patterns you could learn on the guitar to impress family, friends or even your spouse.
You've tried fingerpicking in the past but it never sounds right or you struggle to find and play the right strings.
If any of these sound familiar, chances are you're struggling with your fingerpicking...
But what if instead of trying to dodge fingerpicking songs, you could actually play along with confidence?
What if you knew with 100% certainty that you could apply some simple patterns to your favorite songs to turn them into fingerpicking classics?
You would also feel confident looking up new songs online. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you would feel excited about being able to learn your favorite fingerpicking songs.
That's exactly why I created Fingerpicking 101...
It's the perfect solution to your fingerpicking troubles.
While not having the dexterity and coordination to fingerpick can be a big issue, not having the freedom to play your favorite songs on the guitar is going to limit your guitar playing abilities.
Not being able to play songs you know and love because you cannot understand how to read the music is demoralizing.
Strumming is a lot of fun, but we all know that even the simplest of fingerpicking patterns can sound absolutely wonderful...and will make others think you've been playing for years.

This Program Will Show You A Step-By-Step Path To Remedy All Of The Problems You Are Having With Fingerpicking....
So you can finally break through the wall that's been holding you back from progressing and finally be able to play ANY of your favorite songs on the guitar once and for all!
There is no need to struggle with fingerpicking paralysis anymore!
There are some very specific techniques that I have learned over the years that my students have found invaluable in helping them finally conquer the basics of fingerpicking.
By approaching fingerpicking in the same way you would go to the gym, I can systematically help your hands build strength and get more comfortable with fingerpicking and switching between patterns easily.
But not only that!
We can also develop your skills as a guitar player so that you can actually enjoy fingerpicking your guitar instead of dreading every time a song has some fingerpicking in it.

Hi, I'm Lauren Bateman!
You and I actually have a lot in common.
We’re both passionate about music and guitar.
We both don’t have a formal music education (mine was in Biology and Archaeology actually).
And to be honest, fingerpicking was the technique that finally made me break down and get some help with my guitar playing.
While I have successfully helped thousands of students learn to fingerpick songs like Dust in the Wind, Landslide, Blackbird and more, I remember quite clearly how lost I was when I tried to learn how to fingerpick the intro to Stairway to Heaven.
I tried the usual methods. I went to Ultimate Guitar and printed out the music and tried to piece together the different lines and numbers but I had no clue where to put my fingers.
Was there a chord in here somewhere?
I learned that with fingerpicking there are sometimes special rules when it comes to playing chords and that there are actually REAL patterns you can use to help you build dexterity and comfort.
I remember the first time I actually fingerpicked Landslide on my guitar. It was magical. I was so happy and excited.
When I became a guitar teacher in 2010, every acoustic guitar student that walked through my door was dying to learn how to fingerpick and I wanted them to experience that same magical moment that I did.
Since I come from a science background, I decided to run some "experiments" on my students to figure out the best way to go about teaching fingerpicking step-by-step.
I learned that the biggest issues students had were around finger dexterity, comfort, and understanding HOW to read that jumble of music in front of them.
I developed a step-by-step method to help students learn common fingerpicking patterns and techniques that didn't really require them to read music.
No more restrictions!
THAT is what's inside of Fingerpicking 101!
It's the method I use to take students from being confused about fingerpicking to impressing family and friends with their cool new skills.

What To Expect
Enroll Now 👉How It Works:
Lifetime Access + Workbook
As soon as you enroll in the course, you will get instant and lifetime access to the course and the downloadable PDF workbook. This means you can watch lessons and learn at your own pace. You can also watch lessons as many times as you need to fully understand the concepts being taught.
There is no need to feel rushed or move on to the next lesson or exercises until you are ready. Print out the whole workbook or one exercise at a time to organize your practice time.
Module 1: Fingerpicking Fundamentals
When it comes to learning fingerpicking, building finger strength, comfort and dexterity are vital.
The biggest mistake students make when learning fingerpicking is jumping into very difficult patterns without a solid foundation.
Module 1 ensures that you develop your fingerpicking hand with a variety of patterns and exercises designed to help you learn string placement and get your fingers moving as fast as possible.
You will also learn some common fingerpicking patterns that are used in songs like Hallelujah, House of the Rising Sun and more.
Module 2: Travis Picking & Beyond
Once you develop your hand dexterity, we are going to dive into the fingerpicking patterns that changed my life forever.
I will show you the special fingerpicking pattern that can be used to transform any song into a fingerpicking classic.
I will also show you how you can expand your playing with bass walkdowns, hammer-ons and pull-offs. It's all those "little" things you hear in fingerpicking music that make it come to life and sound so impressive.
By the end of this section, playing songs like Dust in the Wind should be a piece of cake. Honestly!

What's Included
Enroll Now 👉Is This Offer For Me?
This program is FOR YOU if:
- You have trouble playing songs with fingerpicking in it
- You cannot understand how to read the complicated music online when it comes to learning fingerpicking songs
- You avoid playing certain songs because they have fingerpicking in them
- You are looking for a step-by-step process that will help you solve your fingerpicking issues once and for all
This program is NOT FOR YOU if:
- You have not learned your open chords yet (e.g. C, G, Em, D, etc.)
- You are not yet playing songs on the guitar
- You are not willing to put in the time required to build the strength and dexterity needed to master fingerpicking
- You are looking for a "quick fix" vs a process

Sherri Lampton
I wanted to take guitar lessons probably for the 4th time in my life. This time to learn how to play Country Roads by John Denver so that I could play it at my mom's celebration of life with other family members who are great guitar players. I signed up for Lauren's lessons and I learned how to play Country Roads and was able to play along with my son and my husband. It's really quite something when your music starts to sound like the song. Lauren makes learning very easy with her videos.

Brian Lock
The quality of Lauren’s lessons is so good. You just trust her. And when you do what she says, the next thing you know, you realize, ‘Wow! I can play guitar!’ My fingerpicking now sounds smooth and easy.

Heather Milburn
Recently, I really committed myself to becoming a better guitar player. I was looking for a structured approach that was delivered in a manner that I could easily follow. My 90 year old mother lives with me and it has really been fun to play the guitar and for her to join in and sing. It's a great way for us to spend time together. I highly recommend Lauren's online guitar course.
This was the systematic structure I needed. It started out very simple and it progresses through more intermediate style stuff. You feel accomplished because you're checking off the boxes as you go. You can always go back and redo things which I have done several times. She gets you playing songs right away and that makes you feel really good about yourself and your abilities to be able to play along to a song with the original artist. It's brought me so much fun and so much joy and I've accomplished more than I ever dreamed I would accomplish on the guitar two years ago.