30 Day Guitar Challenge

Go from absolute zero to playing REAL songs in one month.

What if you never had to wish you could have fun playing your guitar again?

With the 30 Day Guitar Challenge, there's no need to longingly stare at your guitar gathering dust any longer. You will learn how to navigate your guitar and play REAL music in 30 days.


Now Only $37!


Click the blue button to lock in this low price today.

Tell me if this sounds like you:

Do you struggle with learning to play a song from the beginning all the way through the end? 

You're tired of slow chord changes and feel like your fingers have a mind of their own.

Maybe you wish there was a way to learn to play guitar in a clear, step-by-step and simple manner.

What if there was a way to....

Learn to play a song from beginning to end and have someone in your household recognize it....

Improve the comfort and speed of your chords changes through simplified yet effective chord transitions...

You didn't have to guess what to practice, for how long or in what order...

That's exactly why I created the 30 Day Guitar Challenge...


Because I wanted to help you learn guitar in an easier and simpler way.

I want you to learn to play real music that others recognize. 

But most of all....

I want you to have fun with your guitar!

So if you finally want to learn how to have more fun with your guitar in the next 30 days....


This is a program that will help you learn...

Guitar Basics

Starting from scratch? No problem. Even if you've been playing for months, students are surprised by what they learn in my basics lessons.

Simple Chords & Strumming For Songs

Learn only what you need to know to get you started playing real music as fast as possible.

Faster Fingers

Get tips and exercises to learn how to coordinate both hands together and get your fingers moving faster and changing chords smoother.

Right now you're struggling with...

Getting your fingers to move fast enough between chord changes.

Maybe you're an absolute beginner and you don't know the right place to start.

Or perhaps you're someone who has been learning guitar for a few months but feeling like you are getting no where and desperately want to learn a song.

Imagine If...

You could get your chord changes fast enough to feel good about your guitar playing.

When you strummed your guitar it actually sounded good.

You could play an entire song from beginning to end...and someone actually recognized what you  what you were playing.


So...why am I sharing this right now?

Hi, I'm Lauren Bateman!

You and I have a lot in common…

We’re both passionate about music.

We both always wanted to learn the guitar (it’s such a fun instrument!)

And we both don’t have a formal music education (mine was in Biology and Archaeology actually).

After 10 years of dabbling in the guitar, I finally decided to take some real lessons so that I could actually get good. And I did!! 



While I may own and operate three music schools and have taught thousands of student to play guitar over the years... 

I still remember very well what it was like to struggle through every practice session. The trial and error of randomly jumping from parts of one song to the next. And the frustration of not knowing where to go next while feeling like I should be a lot further along. 

That’s why I teach the guitar in a non-traditional style. I don’t start with boring music theory or terminology. No need for mumbo jumbo that you don’t understand or need. 

Instead, I focus on the fundamentals and the skills necessary to have fun with your guitar as soon as possible...so you can start impressing your family with your tunes. 

And my students seem to agree with my approach…

Jonne Inzinna

“I’ve learned more in 3-4 months with [Lauren] than I have in 2 years with in person instruction.”

Here's What You'll Learn Inside The 30-Day Challenge

The Guitar Kickstart Guide

5 easily digestible lessons on everything you need to know to get started with the guitar. No fluff, not mumbo jumbo. Learn how to hold your guitar comfortably and tune your guitar so you always sound good. I'll also give you my guitar pick recommendations for beginners.

The Pivot Method

My chord method that creates pivot points to help your fingers move faster and build dexterity to help you play music sooner than you would with other methods.

Foundation Module

6 lessons and exercises that build the foundation for playing chords, getting to know your strings along with rhythm and timing. You will even learn your first REAL song!

4 Chord Song Module

5 lessons on learning the four chords used in hundreds if not thousands of songs. Learn your second song and a great finger dexterity exercise for building comfort, speed and hand coordination.

30 Day Action Plan

Don't worry about what you have to practice, when you have to practice it or for how long. The 30 Day Action Plan spells it all out for you. Instead of haphazardly guessing what to do next, you can focus on getting better at your guitar.

Complete Lesson Guide Book

19 pages of exercises, practice tips, chord diagrams, and more. Print it out at home or download it to any device to take with you.

Holy cow that's a lot of stuff for just...$37? For real?!

Yep! The 30 Day Guitar Challenge could easily be sold for 5X more than what I'm charging.

BUT my goal here was to make this a no-brainer price for you, whoever you are, wherever you are because I know so many guitar enthusiasts who need this method NOW.

I don't want you to play your guitar someday...I want you to get started TODAY.

So I've priced it so you don't have to hem and haw...you can just grab it and go!


Craig Nelson

Was a blast was playing A Horse With No Name! Thank you Lauren! I'm having a blast with that guitar now and I'm beyond making noise. I'm starting to make music!! I have to tell you, the amount of value you provided for the money I spent is overwhelming. I have received so much more than I paid for and I can't begin to thank you enough.


Bailey Ward

I did learn the first song you taught us but not the words entirely! Thank you and I can’t believe it’s been a whole month already! I am having fun learning from you and I really want to continue.

Vinny Ungro

I've taken what you've taught me and I'm applying it. I did learn Horse with No Name. I'm really trying hard on my transitioning using 3 fingers and getting better at it. Very excited to learn a new song. P.S. thanks for teaching me Silent Night.

Questions your fellow guitar enthusiasts asked before saying “yes” to the 30 Day Guitar Challenge

Who is this course for?

The Absolute Beginner

Absolute beginners ages 18 and up that have never touched a guitar before but are dying to learn.

The Struggling Chord Player

Beginners struggling with their chord changes and looking for an easier way to play chords and navigate their guitar.

The Frustrated Learner

Students frustrated with an unorganized system for learning guitar when all they want to do is play a song from the beginner to the end.



Scroll down and click the enroll now button to grab your digital course.


Check your inbox for your login info so you can jump in and get started today!


Follow the 30 Day Action plan.


Start having more fun with your guitar!

Enroll In The 30 Day Challenge Today